# 23 6-year-old being sold
On November 22, 2018, CNN reported a story of a 6-years-old being sold by her mom, for $3,000, in Herat, Afghanistan, so the rest of the family can eat, due to poverty.
On November 30, 2018, Uproot contacted Mrs. Neel Khairzada, Director of Public Relations, CNN, to help us locate Mr. Nick Paton Walsh, writer of the story, so the family can be precisely located, and rescued from this terrible poverty. On the same day, Mr. Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Governor of Herat, was also contacted and he provided full support to Uproot, but he later resigned on December 7th, 2018. On February 7th, 2019, Mr. Jonathan Hawkins, Vice President of Communications, CNN, provided the location of the camp. Further to that, Uproot also contacted Mr. Christopher Nayamundi, Country Director, of Norwegian Refugee Council, who is responsible for the camp, but refused to help.
From the story, it appeared, that $70 was received by the mother, from the $3,000, and when all amount is paid, she will be given away, in probably two to three years. Therefore, the race was on for Uproot to rescue Akila, the 6-year-old, before it was too late. For this purpose, a crowdfunding campaign was created with Launchgood and Google One Today.
On April 7, 2019, the family was found, and on April 27th, Uproot met with the family at ARG hotel in Herat Afghanistan for three hours to rescue the girl from slavery, lifetime anguish, poverty, and from being sold to unknown. This meeting was attended by Mohammad Payam Aziz, former chief of staff to the Governor Asif Rahimi, Mr. Sayed Hazrat Alawi, and Mr. Shahpoor Saber, the journalist, who conducted the video interview during the ceremony.
An affidavit was obtained to validate the funds received by the bank through crowdfunding, which was later signed by three witnesses during the meeting on April 27th, 2019. Uproot was able to raise $3,015 from Launchgood, Google One Today, and Allstate Insurance. The entire amount was provided to the family and a new bank account was opened for the family with the Islamic Bank of Afghanistan.
During our meeting, the mother thanked Uproot for its support and cried hysterically for the mistake she made under the harsh condition of poverty and promised never to make such a mistake again.
This campaign helped the family to do the following:
Sense of relief and security, confidence, and they will not have to rely on others to buy daily food for $1.
Mother is no longer obligated to sell her daughter, instead, she agreed to return the $70 she already received.
Akila, the 6-year-old will continue to grow old in the shadow of her mother.
Uproot will continue to raise more funds for the family, so the family can be relocated to a safer place so kids can start school. Mother has agreed to work as a maid, and Uproot is helping her to find work. So please pass this on to all you may know.
Uproot has raised an additional $5,288 in December 2020 and forwarded it to Mohammad Shapoor who then forwarded it to the family.
Mohammad Shapoor Saber with Akila